The members of the Karuk Tribe hereby delegate to the Tribal Council the authority and responsibility to exercise by resolution or enactment of Tribal laws all the inherent sovereign powers vested in the Tribe as a Sovereign Aboriginal People. The Tribal Council shall exercise the following powers, subject to any limitations imposed by applicable law, and any express restrictions upon such powers contained in this Constitution.
1. To negotiate and contract with federal, state, Tribal and local governments, private agencies and consultants.
2. To purchase, lease or otherwise acquire land, and to receive gifts for the benefit of the Tribe.
3. To prevent the sale, disposition, lease, or encumbrance of Tribal lands, interest in lands, or other Tribal assets without the consent of the Tribe.
4. To establish and manage Tribal enterprises and the economic affairs of the Karuk Tribe, including but not limited to: establishing boards, commissions and other tribally chartered entities to regulate housing, employment, gaming and other economic enterprises; approval of planning, programming, and development projects of all Tribal lands and assets; and other necessary financial and business activities.
5. To establish and oversee Tribal committees which have authority delegated by the Tribal Council for specific Tribal functions.
6. To license and regulate, including assessing applicable taxes and fees, the conduct of all business activities within Tribal jurisdiction.
7. To manage, develop, protect and regulate the use of Tribal land, wildlife, fish, plants, air, water, minerals, and all other natural and cultural resources within Tribal jurisdiction.
8. To provide for the preservation and unity of Karuk families, and the protection of Karuk Tribal children, while maintaining each child’s cultural identity and relationship to the Tribe.
9. To enact laws and codes governing conduct of individuals and prescribe disciplinary action for offenses against the Tribe; to maintain order; to protect the safety and welfare of all persons within Tribal jurisdiction; and to provide for the enforcement of the laws and codes of the Tribe.
10. To establish Tribal courts and administrative bodies, and to provide for the courts’ jurisdiction, procedures, separation of the judicial branch of government, and a method for selecting judges.
11. To take all actions that are necessary and proper for the exercise of the powers delegated to the Tribal Council or to any person or committee under the supervision of the Tribal Council.