1.10.070 Responsibility.
(A) Elected officials shall respect the laws that govern the operation of the Tribe and the treatment of Tribal members.
(B) The actions of elected officials reflect their commitment to conduct Tribal activities in an honest, ethical and professional manner. In carrying out their responsibilities, elected officials shall:
(1) Adhere to both the letter and the spirit of applicable Tribal, federal, and state laws and regulations;
(2) Maintain high standards of business and ethical conduct in accordance with applicable federal, Tribal and state laws and regulations, including laws and regulations dealing with fraud, waste and abuse;
(3) Be truthful and straightforward in dealing with other government agencies;
(4) Maintain a workplace free of discrimination, harassment, violence and intimidation, and that is drug-free. Elected officials shall not tolerate any form of threatening or abusive behavior;
(5) Follow Tribal/Indian preference in employment as allowed by law in accordance with Tribal policies. [Res. 10-R-074 § 205, 7/1/2010.]