5.10.210 Specific safe harbors.
The following benefits may be provided under a safe harbor program. The benefits listed in the parenthetical language herein are illustrative only, rather than an exhaustive list. Thus, a benefit may qualify for exclusion from gross income as a safe harbor program even though the benefit is not expressly described in the parenthetical language herein; provided, that it meets all other requirements of Revenue Procedure 2014-35 (as may be amended):
(A) Housing Programs. Programs relating to principal residences and ancillary structures that are not used in any trade or business, or for investment purposes that:
(1) Pay mortgage payments, down payments, or rent payments (including but not limited to security deposits) for principal residences;
(2) Enhance habitability of housing, such as by remedying water, sewage, or sanitation service, safety issues (including, but not limited to, mold remediation), or heating or cooling issues;
(3) Provide basic housing repairs or rehabilitation (including, but not limited to, roof repair and replacement);
(4) Pay utility bills and charges (including, but not limited to, water, electricity, gas, and basic communications services such as phone, internet, and cable); or
(5) Pay property taxes or make payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs).
(B) Educational Programs. Programs to:
(1) Provide students (including, but not limited to, post-secondary students) transportation to and from school, tutors, and supplies (including, but not limited to, clothing, backpacks, laptop computers, musical instruments, and sports equipment) for use in school activities and extracurricular activities;
(2) Provide tuition payments for students (including, but not limited to, allowances for room and board on or off campus for the student, spouse, domestic partner, and dependents) to attend preschool, school, college or university, online school, educational seminars, vocational education, technical education, adult education, continuing education, or alternative education;
(3) Provide for the care of children away from their homes to help their parents or other relatives responsible for their care to be gainfully employed or to pursue education; and
(4) Provide job counseling and programs for which the primary objective is job placement or training, including, but not limited to, allowances for expenses for interviewing or training away from home (including, but not limited to, travel, auto expenses, lodging, and food); tutoring; and appropriate clothing for a job interview or training (including, but not limited to, an interview suit or a uniform required during a period of training).
(C) Elder and Disabled Programs. Programs for individuals who have reached age sixty (60) or are mentally or physically disabled (as defined under applicable law, including, but not limited to, Tribal government disability codes or laws) that provide:
(1) Meals through home-delivered meal programs or at a community center or similar facility;
(2) Home care such as assistance with preparing meals or doing chores, or day care outside the home;
(3) Local transportation assistance; and
(4) Improvements to adapt housing to special needs (including but not limited to grab bars and ramps).
(D) Cultural and Religious Programs. Programs to:
(1) Pay expenses (including, but not limited to, admission fees, transportation, food, and lodging) to attend or participate in the Karuk Tribe’s cultural, social, religious, or community activities such as ceremonies, and traditional dances;
(2) Pay expenses (including, but not limited to, admission fees, transportation, food, and lodging) to visit sites that are culturally or historically significant for the Tribe, including, but not limited to, those on other Indian reservations;
(3) Pay the costs of receiving instruction about an Indian tribe’s culture, history, and traditions (including, but not limited to, traditional language, music, and dances);
(4) Pay funeral and burial expenses and expenses of hosting or attending wakes, funerals, burials, other bereavement events, and subsequent honoring events; and
(5) Pay transportation costs and admission fees to attend educational, social, or cultural programs offered or supported by the Tribe or another tribe.
(E) Other Qualifying Benefit Programs. Programs to:
(1) Pay transportation costs such as rental cars, substantiated mileage, and fares for bus, taxi, and public transportation between an Indian reservation, service area, or service unit area and facilities that provide essential services to the public (such as medical facilities and grocery stores);
(2) Pay for the cost of transportation, temporary meals, and lodging of a recipient while the individual is receiving medical care away from home;
(3) Provide assistance to individuals in exigent circumstances (including, but not limited to, victims of abuse), including, but not limited to, the costs of food, clothing, shelter, transportation, auto repair bills, and similar expenses;
(4) Pay costs for temporary relocation and shelter for individuals displaced from their homes (including, but not limited to, situations in which a home is destroyed by a fire or natural disaster);
(5) Provide assistance for transportation emergencies (for example, when stranded away from home) in the form of transportation costs, a hotel room, and meals; and
(6) Pay the cost of nonprescription drugs (including but not limited to traditional Indian tribal medicines). [Res. 20-R-080 Art. III § 4, 6/18/2020.]