6.10.770 Recovery of payments made due to error, mistake, erroneous adjudication, fraud, etc.
(A) Whenever any compensation is made because of clerical error, mistaken identity, innocent misrepresentation by or on behalf of the recipient thereof mistakenly acted upon, or any other circumstances of a similar nature not induced by fraud, the recipient thereof shall repay it. The Administrator must make a claim for such repayment or recoupment within one (1) year of making any such payment or it will be deemed that any claim therefor has been waived. The Administrator may waive, in whole or in part, the amount of any such timely claim where the recovery would be against equity and good conscience.
(B) Whenever any compensation has been made pursuant to a determination by the Administrator, and timely protest or appeal therefrom has been made, which results in a final decision that the claimant is not entitled to such payments, the claimant shall repay such sums. Subject to approval by the Karuk Tribal Gaming Authority, the Administrator may waive, in whole or in part, the amount of any such payments where the recovery would be against equity and good conscience.
(C) Whenever any compensation has been determined by the Administrator or the independent tribunal to be induced by fraud, the recipient thereof shall repay any such payment together with a penalty of fifty (50) percent of the total of any such payments. The Administrator must make a claim for such repayment or recoupment within one (1) year after discovery of the fraud, or any such payment or any such claim shall be deemed to have been waived. [Res. 19-R-083 § 15, 7/18/2019.]